Along with Tertius’ coaching certification, he also hold certifications as New York State Outdoor Guide (Tier II Rock, Hiking, Back Packing, Canoe & Kayak), American Mountain Guides Association Single Pitch Instructor, Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide Level 1, and Wilderness First Responder. These specific skills allow 3DC to create individual coaching programs & immersive workshops designed to engage you on all levels by combining traditional workshop structures set in nature with outdoor activities. We put lessons in coaching and mindfulness into motion—getting you moving toward your goals in a supportive and challenging group environment. 

My journey to becoming a certified life coach began in 2014 at the age of 35 after a 12-year career as a photographer seemed to not be providing the fulfillment I believed it would bring me. Standing at this daunting crossroads, I had to ask myself "What am I really meant forin this life?"...The answer I am afraid did not come quickly. What did come quickly was a voice that told me to start moving my body. Diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD at the age of six, exercise and movement seemed like the only way when growing up. During my career as a photographer in New York and LA, I had gotten away from my relationship with my physical being. I had misaligned myself with superficial distractions. I had also slowed down my daily exercise, picked up smoking, and generally stopped taking care of my body. This lifestyle led me to be very unhappy and out of shape but more excruciating than that was being caught in constant negative thought patterns. 

As my thirty fifth birthday approached I committed to change what I was doing. I decided to start small, clean up my living, and above all keep moving!  Waking up to this realization is the beginning of what was the return to myself.  Over the past 4 years as I've been developing the 3 Dimension practice I have become a happier person, I've become a healthier person, I went back to school, I found the career I've been looking for, I found and married the most wonderful woman ever (which I never saw coming)! These are just a few of the remarkable gifts that have come my way and it all started with what I now call Mindful Physical Movement. My Journey into MPM started by going on walks, nothing else. Now 5 years later my MPM has developed into scaling mountains with nothing else than the correct equipment, mind-body soul awareness, and the courage to believe in myself! Moving our bodies is the beginning of shifting our lives. Movement and exercise done mindfully allows us to step out of negative thought patterns, even if just for that moment, and to start the process of shifting toward the transformation we are seeking. To learn more about MPM and the coaching process click on the Coaching tab.

Let’s Connect

Move your body, Learn your mind, Connect with your soul, and see what happens