Terrapin Guides takes personal transformation to the next level by combining these crucial components. We call this the 3-dimensional process, every aspect, from the coaching to the activities, are designed to bring awareness and alignment to the Mind, Body, and Soul.

Transformation Coaching

As a life coach, I am a trained professional who works with individuals to help them clarify their goals, identify obstacles, and develop strategies to achieve their desired outcomes. Life coaches provide support, guidance, and accountability to their clients, helping them to overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors that may be holding them back from reaching their full potential.

A life coach can help you in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Setting goals and creating a plan of action: A life coach can help you identify what you want to achieve in your personal or professional life, and develop a plan of action to help you get there.

  2. Building confidence and self-esteem: A life coach can help you overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, and build your confidence and self-esteem.

  3. Improving relationships: A life coach can help you improve your relationships with others, by teaching you effective communication and conflict resolution skills.

  4. Managing stress and anxiety: A life coach can help you develop coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety, and create a healthier work-life balance.

  5. Finding purpose and meaning: A life coach can help you discover your passions and values, and align your life with your purpose and meaning.

Nature Emmerson

Forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, is a practice that involves immersing oneself in a forest environment and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and connection with nature. Some of the benefits of forest bathing include reduced stress, improved mood, lower blood pressure, improved cognition, and increased creativity. Nature is an essential aspect of answering big questions. Furthermore, our bodies and nature are designed to work together. This layer of support that we often forget about is a cornerstone of the Terraping Guides process and philosophy. Tertius is a licensed New York State Guide with an intimate knowledgeable relationship with the land.

Mindful Physical Movement

Why do humans pace when they think? Why are we told to go outside and cool off, when we are mad? Or told to go for a walk to clear our minds? Simply put, our minds/bodies do some of our best problem-solving processes while in motion. Terrapin Guides believes that the body has its own intelligence. Developing MPM is the beginning of becoming conscious of one's body and asking our body for its wisdom through movement so we can start to hear and trust the language it speaks: intuition. Mindfulness practices have greatly improved participants’ moods, energy levels, belief in possibilities, and generating motivation. Activities Terraping Guides has incorporated into coaching and workshops include hiking, walking, rock climbing, and ski touring.

Group environment

Terrapin Guides workshop takes place in a supportive group setting. The group dynamic allows clients to be present to fellow clients’ vulnerability and transformation which in return will deepen the individual experience. Furthermore, when we give voice to our truth in front of others we are empowered to honor our dreams and be held accountable for what is most important to us.

Let’s Connect

Move your body, Learn your mind, Connect with your soul, and see what happens